[1] http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11708-014-0301-2
The link above is to an journal article from Frontiers in Energy. The article is about a device that uses the motion of a persons hips to generate electricity. The device in the article consists of two hip mounted induction generators. This article was useful to us because the device uses the same method of electricity generation as our device,
[2] http://www.reuters.com/article/2008/02/07/us-knees-energy-idUSN0741464420080207
The link above is to an article from Reuters that features a device which functions similar to ours. The device was created by Simon Frasier University, and harnesses energy from the knee joint. While this article provided no statistical data or design ideas, it was useful as a proof of concept for our design.
[3] http://www.ijser.org/researchpaper/Optimal-design-of-gearbox-for-application-in-knee-mounted-biomechanical-energy-harvester.pdf
The link above is to journal article from International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research on gearbox design. The article outlines the ideal gear ratios for a knee mounted generator. We intend to reference this article more heavily when we assemble the gearbox.
[4] http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/vol_3/chpt_3/4.html
The link above is to a web page that outlines the function of a rectifier circuit. We referenced this when outlining our device's circuitry.
[5] http://www.animations.physics.unsw.edu.au/jw/electricmotors.html
The link above is to a general overview on how induction motors work. We intend to use this source as a visual aid and as a reference for our presentation on our device.
[6] http://www.bostongear.com/pdf/gear_theory.pdf
The link above is to a document with a wealth of information about the physics and math behind gear systems, along with the equations used to calculate certain gear specifications.
Great background research! Consider a little more research into the physiology of the knee. How the knee works. It will give the team a better working knowledge of how to attach a device to the knee.